How It Works

Each boat has a maximum of 10 users. Each member has unlimited total bookings annually. Each member has 3 rolling forward bookings (which can be taken as 6 forward half days) which can be booked through the phone app. When you are finished using one of your bookings another one is added to your total of remaining forward bookings.

Additionally, each member gets unlimited 72 hour bookings… this means that if for example the day after tomorrow is not currently booked, you can book it, regardless of whether you have any forward bookings left.


A working example: You choose three days over the course of the coming two weeks, ensuring you have a boat for your birthday, the Cannes fireworks night and a Saturday you are planning to spend on board with friends. Tomorrow you finish work early and one of the boats is free. You book it through the app and head down for the evening. The day after the member who had booked the boat has to cancel. You are alerted to the cancellation and quickly book the boat and head down for the day.

In our experience of running boat clubs, we know that members year and year out using this method average 23 days use annually. Last year our record hit 52 days…

On the day


Start your journey

Arrive at the boat and follow checkout procedure on your phone app which takes literally 2 minutes

View the app

Head out and enjoy!

Head out and enjoy your day! We can advise on destinations if you are new to the area or just want some weather advice – all handled through our Whatsapp group!


Return and checkin

When you get back, rinse the worst of the salt off using the supplied hose, check the boat back in using the app – again it only takes 2 minutes and your done!

Out-Of-Pocket Expenses

While all costs associated with the boats operation are included within your membership, there are just a two things you have to pay for:


All members are required to have either the RYA Power Boat Level 2 or French Cotier qualifications (or similar qualification from your country) that allows you to legally drive the boat in French waters. If you do not have a relevant qualification we are able to help with this and you should not feel put off or nervous – they are easy to obtain. For more info visit our training page here.


Fuel is not covered by your membership, but our boats use super economical Honda 250 outboard engines. The average fuel bill of our customers is €42 per day trip, but can be much more or much less depending on how far afield you travel.

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